OneQuantum USA West Coast - November 15th Newsletter
West Coast Chapter quantum topic of the month: quantum biology
The newsletter of this month will give an introduction to the interesting field of quantum biology. Definitions of what quantum biology is and what this field of biology is researching can be found here:
An audio book titled “Life on the Edge: The Coming Age of Quantum Biology” is available here:
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine provide a workshop to quantum concepts relating to biology:
To link the subject of quantum biology to the West Coast Chapter region, the city of Los Angeles, CA plays an important role. About one year ago, the Quantum Biology Center was established at the University of California, Los Angeles to research this emerging type of science branch. At launch date of the Quantum Biology Center, it was the first research hub of this type in the United States.
Part of the Quantum Biology Center is the Quantum Biology Tech Lab (QuBiT).
The lab has created a general Google group “Big Quantum Biology Meetings” for enthusiasts. A join request is available to get included.
This is the UCLA Faculty website of the lab lead.
This is an article where the center/lab lead Prof. Aiello was co-author, and where she details her vision for “Quantum Biology”:
Another West Coast region research by Moh El-Naggar from University of Southern California showed that electron transport in bacteria nanowire is spin-polarized. This recently discovered phenomenon is called “chiral-induced spin selectivity”.
A big thank you for review of the above paragraph to quantum biology is going to Prof. Aiello of UCLA. She also provided additional information to make the paragraph more solid.
Thank you very much for your support and for the outstanding contribution to the field of quantum biology.
Events / participation at events related to U.S. West Coast Chapter
10/26 - The Nanosys CEO delivered a keynote at the OLEDs World Summit and Phosphors & Quantum Dots Industry Forum.
News of the U.S. West Coast region
10/19 - PsiQuantum, a photonic quantum computing startup based in Palo Alto, CA (Silicon Valley), is collaborating with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to work on a quantum photonics chip project. As manufacturing partner, the semiconductor company GlobalFoundries was chosen.
10/20 - 10/24 - Microsoft’s Azure Quantum introduced the Azure Quantum Credits program in February and made good progress since then. See more information about the program in the blog and other links below.
10/24 - D-Wave announced to be available on the AWS Marketplace and will then be the first quantum computing only company in this digital catalogue.
10/23 - Sandia National Laboratory, which has one campus in Livermore, CA, is experimenting with quantum sensors to enable navigation when GPS is not working anymore.
10/26 - University of San Diego participated in experiments to make light waves traveling through metal visible.
10/27 - Researchers of the University of Washington (Seattle, WA) were contributing to a study which is shows an approach that could lead to “more stable quantum computers”.
10/27 - Rigetti QCS and QPUs are now available on Azure Quantum.
11/1 - QuEra’s Aquila is now available on Amazon Braket.